Kosher Living

SEE Genesis 1:27-30, Genesis 9:1-4, Leviticus 3:17,
Leviticus 20:25, Deuteronomy 14:3-20

Kosher Categories:
Meat, Dairy, Pareve, or Foods not meat or dairy 

Examples of kosher animals include:
Land animals
: Cow, sheep, goat, deer, buffalo, antelope, elk, bison
Fish: Salmon, tuna, tilapia,
cod, halibut
Birds: Chicken, turkey, duck

Animals that don’t meet Scriptural criteria are considered non-kosher.
aLL pork products are Non-Kosher.
Shellfish, catfish, crab, shrimp, & lobster do not have scales
and are not kosher. 

Kosher dairy foods include: Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Butter, Ice cream, & Cream cheese

Most fruits and
are Kosher.

Nuts and honey are generally considered kosher.

 Labels on packages can help ensure the foods you bring are kosher.
Below are some symbols that signify certified kosher:

Useful suggestions for Oneg
1. Please cut it before bringing.
2. Please place all your food items on the serving table before Oneg.
(you can enter through door #7, however, this door will be locked after service begins.)
3. Please bring the utensils needed to serve portions from the dish you bring.
Also, mark your name on your dish and utensils for identifying them to take home and wash.
4. There is a power strip available should your dish need to be plugged in.
5. Please do not allow children under the age of 10 to go through the Oneg line without supervision.
6. When it’s time to clean up we all need to clear our own pot or dish from the serving table and take it home to be washed.
Clear out your family’s plates from the tables and place them in the trash once finished.
7. Let's make sure there's enough for everyone. Take a modest portion.